ok guys, I know that sucks and believe me, I'm the one who's the most pissed off about all this. Here's the story :
I moved on june 2nd and it seems turning my computer off was a mistake, I plugged everything back on June 3rd and everything crashed, windows barely started and it took about 5 hard resets anyway, long story short, I've lost everything and I'll be honest, I almost gave up on the whole thing.
Then, I tried to find another internet provider since I thought and they said I could get it 3 days later (June 6th). I waited for them and they never came co I called back and they rescheduled an appointement the next day. I skipped work waiting for the guy to plus everything and he STILL NEVER CAME, which means I lost a day of job for nothing. I called them back, of course, and they rescheduled again for friday the 13th.
Since I promised a new version as soon as I could after the 12th, I couldn't wait for them. I went to a friend's and downloaded the first version ( I uploaded it when I uploaded the one I gave you the link to just in case and looks like I was right after all) so, I've tried to re-do as much as I could before yesterday, the day I was supposed to get my internet back.
The guy finally came... and told me he couldn't connect since this provider have no lines and no way to connect any internet here. I told they they were assholes and morons and to go fuck theselves. Then, I called another provider and they should come by Wednesday I'll try to do as much as I can before then but I actually have no idea how much will be done.
I'm really sorry about that but I'll do as much as I can.
To speak frank it sounds like you gave up a little on the project, Regardless all those excuses.
RépondreSupprimerSorry if i sounds like a jerk, But it was better if you gave nothing at all,
Sometimes one comment after quite a long time is better than bunch of not-so-interesting reasons for why you can't release a demo. But it makes a good lesson of why not post a release date on a new project.
Yea... it's a little cold, But it's only because you let me(us) think bigger of you
If I've given up, I would tell you, close the blog and get done with it.
RépondreSupprimerI understand your frustration and, since we're being frank, I don't really mind that much if you believe me or not, I'll admit it kinda sucks that you seem to think i'm making this all up for wathever reason, but I'm not. I know that sucks and believe me, no one as pissed off as I am. I hate havng to go back on my words and this time, I had to do it 3 times in a row. I won't ever post any release date again.
There wont be as much stuff as I hoped in the next version but i'll add at least what was supposed to be there (Chrissy's story, some new dungeons, family in the house, quest log and more.)
I know you're pissed, and I know you aren't the only one, I just hope you'll understand when it finally comes out that I've been working on it. But I'm NOT giving up on the project and it will come out as soon as I can upload it.
This message wasn't meant to be "Interesting" but when I'm waiting for something and it doesn't come out, I like to at least get an explanation and I tought you at least deserved one, that is all.
I'm sorry everything went wrong but I'm still doing the best I can.
I don't think you lie, I never said it and this thought never crossed my mind, Sorry if i made this impression, It wasn't my intention, Now i feel kinda shitty, mostly because you owe me nothing
SupprimerIt's just that so many stuff forbids you from doing anything, even think about the project, That other people Would probably lose interest or simply give up, And the fact that you didn't stood for your release date kinda justifies this thought, And it makes the impression that you might lost just A littttle bit of interest.
That's what i meant, nothing more. Sorry if it sounds kinda jerk on my previous comment, After rereading it i feel awful,
I just got a little eye twitch reading that post after days of daily checking on your blog expecting for new release, That's all
I understand how you feel and to be honest, i'd probably feel the same. The good news is that I finally got my internet back and now I need to do the Beach dungeon and Chrissy's final quest all over again. At least I know where I'm going with it. I'll probably to both tomorrow if everything goes according to plan. also, I now save everything on a USB key as a Back-up. I'll test out the Theif's path once both those things are done and I can't promise anything, but I think i'll be able to post the next version by friday. I could post it sooner but I want to test it before I do, since you've been expecting it for a while, I probably wont take the time to test everything with the other classes but if there are some bugs, you're welcome to tell me and, to be honest, I hope you will lol. I'll test the thief's path since it was the most popular and because i really want you to be able to explore the entirety of the game with at least one class, but I think everything should work with all of them, I know that sucks but I think you'll like the next version, even if there aren't as much stuff as I would have wanted in it.
SupprimerAlso, I hold no grudges ;) don't worry about it. This message didn't made me feel bad or anything.
SupprimerBy friday? you just said no more releasing dates xD
RépondreSupprimerKinda suck my computer just start to act up, i wish you release it sooner, Now i won't be able to play until in couple months -.-'
I'll keep follow either way, and hopefully when i have my computer fixed the game be more.... whole :)
Best of luck solidsnke
I said I'd TRY to release it by friday, no promises there Goblin ;) lol
RépondreSupprimerIt's saturday bra ;(
SupprimerJust kidd =p, any news thou?
You have earned my respect, not many would continue to work on something for free with all the shit you went through.